How To Use Snapchat To Grow Your Brand

Snapchat is one of the coolest social apps out there, but it’s far more than just the latest craze for Millennials…it’s

From Editor to Author to Entrepreneur

As a former Food Editor for O Magazine and Reader’s Digest, Rachel Hofstetter found herself spending most of her time conne

How To Transition Careers And Get Yourself Hired

Caroline Ceniza-Levine is a celebrated coach and recruiter, classically trained pianist, public speaker, stand up comedian…

Making Phone Conversations Matter Again

Neil Mody is fostering connections by reimagining the phone call. His app, SpareMin, uses both a social and systematic approa

Improvise Your Way To Success

Gina Trimarco built Myrtle Beach’s entire improv scene from the ground up…and that was only the beginning. Today she work